
新华社专访VfW主席Peter Thoma

2015-11-02 14:27:56   来源:    点击:

11月,德国联邦住宅通风协会(VfW)主席Peter Thoma先生与德国节能通风行业相关企业负责人一行来到北京。德国联邦住宅通风协会是德国室内通风标准DIN-1946-6的主要起草方和标准推进者,主席Peter Thoma先生身兼多职,他既是德国联邦家居通风协会执行总裁,也是住宅HSK协会负责人,同时担任莱茵美茵地区安装协会专业法律仲裁委员和德国能源协会咨询顾问。

此次Peter Thoma先生一行来到北京,一方面调研德国会员企业在中国节能通风行业的发展现状,另一方面希望将德国在节能通风行业的经验引进中国,为改善中国居民室内空气环境提供建议。


Peter Thoma先生在谈到室内空气质量改良的方案时说,“我们的会员企业DEPHINA和ZEHNDER已经在为中国家庭提供空气品质系统,并应用德国机械通风的技术。不论是壁挂式还是中央式的节能通风设备,都综合考虑了净化空气、定量通风和热量回收的问题,我们认为,这是更好的室内空气环境解决方案。”

关于室内空气环境,环境污染管理和家庭环保意识等问题,Peter Thoma先生接受了新华社记者的采访。


Peter Thoma: 德国联邦住宅通风协会主要有五大职能,首先,它代表的是它的会员的利益,德国联邦住宅通风协会的会员大多是节能通风设备企业,协会与企业的共同目标是,促进建筑设计师和开发商在新建建筑和已建建筑里安装机械通风设备。我们的核心优势是,作为一个行业协会和企业间媒介,通过宣传资料,邮件和电话客服,为机械通风企业,建筑设计师和开发商提供独立咨询服务。第二,我们组织起草和推进行业技术标准的制定与发展,这些标准为专业人士,行业从业者和商务合作提供技术支持。第三,当技术规范与标准发生变化,或者当欧洲和德国的法律要求有更新时,我们在第一时间为会员提供更新信息。第四,我们为推动室内节能通风行业的发展,努力游说政策制定者和法律制定者进行相关的政策推动,因为室内节能通风与能否行之有效地节能和健康生活是密切相关的。


Peter Thoma: 是的。从20世纪70年代末,第一次石油危机开始,节能在德国已经成了一个重大的问题。从那时起,国家就制定了建筑热损失保护(W?rmeschutz)和安装供暖系统的相关法律政策。在标准中,我们甚至明确规范了供暖系统中的墙体保温和热量控制的最低标准。从2002年,节能法规的重要程度进一步加深,并上升到欧盟法规的标准,并要求欧盟成员国统一按该标准执行。框架范围内的能源规范(Energieausweise)必须同时遵循欧盟标准和国家法律。像太阳能系统,热泵这样的新技术也包含在内,而室内热回收机械通风系统则是一个非常典型的主题。

建筑保温的效果越来越好,也带来了一些新的挑战,例如室内过分潮湿,这是严重危害人体的健康的(insulatedimSinne von , Luftabdichtung)。


Peter Thoma: 这是事实。就拿我自己在法兰克福的住所来说,我家中的供暖系统配有一套智能温度控制系统。当家中有人时,房间温度是恒定的,始终保持在22摄氏度。当家中无人时,房间的温度会自动回落到17摄氏度。当然,我家中也安装了带热回收功能的机械通风系统,一方面来保证书房、卧室和客厅的空气质量,另一方面,来避免卫生间、浴室和厨房湿气过重的问题。加热器我选择的是传统的燃气冷凝锅炉,很普遍也很稳定。


Peter Thoma: 在公共建筑和高层建筑里普遍安装了空气调节系统,主要是室内制热和制冷系统。但新鲜空气的供给系统仍处于发展阶段。私人住宅和平房的情况就大不一样了。从2010年起,私人住宅领域的室内通风系统以每年将近20%的比例增长,这当然也得益于国家的补贴政策,只要房子比国家规定的最低标准多增加一些节能的措施,房屋主人就可以从国家领取相应的专项基金。这部分节能型的房屋安装的热交换机械通风系统占私人住宅市场的70%。如果房屋进行再装修的话,几乎都会安装改进版的机械通风系统的。


Peter Thoma: 空气质量的好坏直接影响人体的健康。机械通风系统在改良空气方面有很多优越性,例如定量提供新鲜洁净的空气,祛除湿气,提升热回收效率,隔绝噪音,防止入室盗窃(利用机械通风设备通风,不需要再开窗)。如果室外空气被污染了,过滤模块可以过滤室外空气中的颗粒物和污染物,并将干净的空气送入室内。机械通风系统的新风量相对较小,现有建筑和新建建筑都可以安装。


Peter Thoma: 在德国,我们也面临同样的问题,冬天的空气是很干的。较冷的空气是很难容纳湿气的。这样的空气在加热的情况下,相对湿度将降到非常低。如果不使用机械通风而是开窗通风,同样的情况也会发生。因此,是的,我们面临同样的问题。我的建议是,利用机械通风的过滤设施祛除空气中的颗粒物,颗粒物是在空气干燥的情况下人体感受会更明显。同时,利用蒸汽式加湿器补充室内的水分。有了这两项措施,你就可以在室内采暖的同时保证人体的舒适度。

NCNA: As president of VFW, could you please introduce us its function, its responsibility at Germany indoor ventilation field?

Peter Thoma: The so called VfW is an association in Germany who has several task – First we represent the interests of the companies who are members of our association. Our common interests are to convince architects designers and builders to fit indoor ventilation systems in new buildings and existing buildings. Our key strength is that we give independent advice to our clients or customers as well as the trade associations and media via printouts, e-mails, phone and so on. Second we support and organize the development of technical standards for experts, professional tradesmen and business. Third we provide internal information to our members concerning changing of technical rules or standards and requirements of Europe and German law. Fourth we lobby political leaders and legislators to promote proper indoor ventilation which is essential if we want to be successful in energy saving and also promote healthy living.

NCNA:When Germany was through its early development stage, it also experienced severe environmental issues. Could you briefly review the history and experience how Germany deals with the environmental challenges?

Peter Thoma: Well, since the late 1970s and the first oil crisis energy saving has been a major issue. Since then we have developed regulations or laws concerning heat lost protection (W?rmeschutz) of buildings and how to install heating systems. We have also specified minimum standards for wall insulation and control systems for heating systems. Since 2002 the energy saving regulations has increased very significantly at European levels which are then implemented by the individual countries of the EU. They outline energy specifications (Energieausweise) which must applied according to common European standards and our national law. New technologies like solar-systems, heat pumps have also emerged while indoor ventilation with heat recovery is a very topical issue!

Making buildings more and more insulated provides fresh or new challenges as they can cause problems like dampness which can be very bad for the health of people. (insulatedimSinne von ,Luftabdichtung“)

NCNA:As I know, Germans have the strongest sense of environment protection worldwide. Will you apply environment protection measures in your own houses?

Peter Thoma: Yes we do. For example in my own house in Frankfurt I have automated controls for my heating system which provides a fixed room temperatures at 22° Celsius when I am at home and which then lowers automatically to 17°C when I leave the house. Of course we use a ventilation system with heat recovery to avoid poor air quality in our offices, bedrooms and living rooms on the one hand and avoid too much humidity or dampness in toilets, bathrooms and kitchens. For a heat generator I still use a gas condensation boiler which is a very common and reliable system.

NCNA:Indoor ventilation is widely equipped in houses, schools and public buildings. How’s its development in Germany?

Peter Thoma: In public buildings and high rise buildings we almost always have air-conditioning in which the air overtakes a part of indoor heating and cooling but the provision of fresh air supply is also developing. Indoor ventilation in flats and private houses has increased by nearly 20% each year since 2010. You must know that one receives financial support from the government if you build better energy saving systems than the minimum requirements. Such “energy efficient buildings” have in the private house sector more than 70% ventilation systems with heat recovery. If existing buildings get renovated then improved ventilations systems are almost always implemented.

NCNA: We spend more than 80% of our life indoor. It is the reason why more people start to improve indoor air quality here in China. Indoor air is polluted by the outdoor haze and VOCs from furniture and human activity. Could you please give us some suggestion, what are the effective measures to implement when we buy and decorate our houses? 

Peter Thoma: The quality of air is a very important issue for one’s own health. Ventilation systems have a lot of advantages like – providing fresh healthy air, removal of humidity and dampness, improved heat recovery, protection from noise and burglary because the windows can be closed. If the outside air is polluted filters can help to lower dirt particles and pollen in the incoming air. The amount of air input for ventilation systems is small – you can fit them in existing and new buildings.

NCNA: In North China, winter indoor air is usually very dry. Do you face the same problem in Germany’s winter, how do you deal with it?

Peter Thoma: We have the same situation in Germany. Cold air cannot take much moisture content. If you heat up this air with less water content the relative humidity falls to a low level. This happens also if you open the window several times instead of using ventilation systems. So we have the same problem. I suggest bringing in very good filters to remove dust which you feel much more when the air is dry. Additionally we can provide humidifiers with hot steam für hygiene reasons. With these systems you have two effects since you heat up the air and also make it a more pleasant climate.
